It's been a while!

>> Saturday, October 31, 2009

Between work and sleep I haven't even thought about posting. It's 12:16am right now and I'm happy to say that yesterday I got my Hypnobabies Home Study Course. I'm really quite excited about it and will definitely share my thoughts.

I had a tv date with my bestie yesterday and she shared with me that she too would like to birth naturally when it comes time, something I never knew about her! Yet another thing we have in common.

Wednesday we went to the doctor and heard the baby's heartbeat. The ultrasound machine wasn't available so we couldn't see the baby, but I was glad to at least hear the heartbeat. We also heard the baby kick!

Yesterday was the first time that I felt a kick on my own without Kim talking to the baby or pushing down on my stomach to feel something. It was kind of exciting to distinctively know that the isolated pain was a kick.

I think I just felt another one!

Anywhoo, I'm going to get ready to go to bed. I'm looking forward to a great homemade breakfast of fried apples, scrambled eggs and toast with butter & jelly. Yummmmmm!!!!


I'm tired...

>> Friday, October 9, 2009

So, this week we went to the Gyn and saw another shot of the baby. The baby's head was laying on the placenta and the hand was up saying high. Also, we saw a kick and the doc said I would feel that in a couple of weeks. It was funny that he said I may feel it as a flutter right now but will think it's gas. A few days ago, my partner Kim was talking to the baby and I thought I felt a flutter. She continued and I told her it must've been gas.

So I've been getting up, going for a walk, eating breakfast & coming into the office. But when I get here, I'm tired as if I've had very little sleep. It especially hits me after lunch. If I worked from home right now, I don't know if I'd be selling many houses. Right now I feel like going home, cuddling up on the couch and taking a good nap. I didn't get to walk this morning so I'm going to do so after dinner this evening.

I've got 17 listings that need to get sold before Christmas. I've got two under contract, which is always good but I've got to work on getting a few others there as well. This morning, I met with Congressman Sestak to talk about extending the $8,000 tax credit. He is pushing for it and wants to do a press conference in front of one of my listings Monday, so stay tuned for a link to the interview.

I also need to figure out how to post a video here. I'll try later.

 Pregnancy Ticker


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