Wow, it's been a month since I've posted anything. Well I've been working on my business and taking it easy. I've also been quite busy with church and just didn't have time or energy to post. So, yes we know the sex of the baby but we are keeping it to ourselves for now. We enjoy having that piece of information all ot ourselves for now.
So, what's been going on you say? Well the baby is kicking more and more daily. Although today not so much. I received my at home dopplar so that we can hear the heartbeat whenever we want, especially if we're concerned about the level of movement. We've started to make some movement on getting the room toegether. We got rid of some furniture in one of the bedrooms and decided to give the baby the small room which was being used as the office. The larger bedroom will be a guest room/office. We've received some estimates on some drywall repair needed and hardwood floor sanding. We even got estimates on kitchen and bath remodelling, though they are not the priority right now. We've also decided on a theme for the baby's room and Kim even ordered some paint samples to try out that look nice. She found a website that sells room stencils so that you can paint a theme that I'm 95% sure we'll go with. So that means I need to sell more houses!
We had our bi-weekly dr appt Tuesday and the Dr wants to monitor my blood pressure more saying it's close to gestational hypertension. Great. My bp was 128/86 and gh is 140/90. Since that bottom number is close to 90, I had to go get blood work done. But the most shocking news was that I gained 8lbs in 2 weeks!!!!!! Kim said, "Well you are pregnant" and that's true but that is a lot in 2 weeks for someone who has a small appetite to begin with. So, I'm going to watch what I eat more and eat every couple of hours. I'm not dieting just being more conscious of what I'm eating. Kim always says I'm not eating enough for the baby but I think that proves I am.
We go for a perinatal ultrasound next week and once we confirm the gender (again) we will consider telling everyone else.
Here are some pics that I've been taking documenting my journey:
20 wks 21 wks |
22 wks
23 wks