Baby Makes 3 website

>> Sunday, September 26, 2010

I almost forgot. Kim created a site for folks to go to and I wanted to post it here.



What a day What a day

Last night I realized that I am actually less than 2 weeks away from being 7 months. Wow did that month go by quick. So it got me to thinking how quickly September has gone for me and how unprepared I am for baby girl. Soooooo this week we will be cleaning out the room for sure!

Yesterday was Kim's best friend's bridal shower. It was very nice. I had so many folks ask me my due date that I'm thinking of just saying mid December instead of the actual date. I really don't want to get close to that date and have people on my nerve about being due/overdue/ready to go etc. I don't really want to have to snap.

I also think it may be a good idea to have the first week at home to ourselves. This will allow us to get the hang of and settle into our family. At least a few days!

I haven't taken a 28 wk pic yet, but maybe tomorrow I'll post something. I've been taking it easier nwo that it's evident that I need to do so. One day during the work week I stay home and relax. I put my feet up, do a little cleaning and relax. Kim says she thinks I should be on bedrest but not me! I've got real estate to sell! I do believe I'll stop working as of Thanksgiving. I'll be 37 weeks by then.

Yesterday at the shower we received a couple of offers to help get the nursery together, one by someone who does some construction work. We are definitely going to take her and others up on their offer to help. My goal is to have the room done by the first week of November. I think we can make October that month, except of course my birthday weekend. Kim has said we are going to NYC to stay at a B&B I've been wanting to visit and see the Lion King (which I've never seen on Broadway) so I'm really looking forward to that.

Went to church today and enjoyed the spirit. Came home and became irritated with Kim because sometimes she truly waits until the last minute to do things and it irks my soul. I'm watching the Eagles game now (they're winning) and cooking rice, baked beans and turkey ham. That dinner started out being cabbage, sweet potatoes and turkey hame. I had ordered produce from church and saw the head of green and thought it would be good to make for dinner. When I went to the fridge, I found out it was lettuce. Then when I went to get the sweet potatoes I realized there was only one. I was literally laughing out loud at myself over that because I was looking forward to that dinner, but thank goodness for a pantry with other choices because I wasn't going out to get the right items.

Oh, one more thing. I started my hypnobabies course back up earlier this month and it's going pretty good. I'm doing one class every two weeks and am currently on class #2. I'm really excited and hope that I can keep up the practice so that I can have the fast, easy, comfortable birth that I know I can have!

I think I'll end up posting more often on here. Especially since I need to take it easy more.


Third Trimester!!!! Woooo Hooooo!!!!!!!!

>> Monday, September 20, 2010

So, it's official! I'm in my third trimester and everything is going well. Below is a pic of me at 27 weeks. Early yesterday morning we went into L & D because I had cramping for several hours that had me confined to the bed. Luckily there was no issue and we were sent home after a few hours. They monitored the baby's heartbeat and me for contractions. They also did a swab test to see if there was a possibility that I could go into premature labor in the next week. It came back negative. Thank you Lord!

One good thing, we don't have to go to the L & D tour because we now know exactly how to get there! It was 4am and we had to get security to open the door. We also didn't have to pay for parking. By the time we left shortly before 8, there was still no parking attendant. So we saved a couple of duckets.

So, I think I mentioned before that we are doing Hypnobabies which teaches you how to have a natural birth by sending anesthesia to parts of your body to deal with any discomfort. Well, when we got to the L & D room, there was a tub and I didn't know they had them. The nurse said they hardly ever use them because they don't do natural birth too much there. She then began to talk about why and I decided to say we are doing natural. Later on, she was talking about forms to fill out and what to expect while I was there yesterday and started to talk about if I was induced and delivered, etc. I was like whoa whoa whoa, that would not be my choice. My choice would be to do whatever possible to NOT deliver at 27 weeks. It made me realize how much I need to talk to my doc and be on the same page and will have to stand my ground on how I visualize the birth to be. Now of course I know things happen and I need to keep an open mind, but don't make it up for me already!

I finished up the Babies R Us registry today while Kim started putting together our baby website via the bump. We did a wedding website and found it very useful since we could just drive folks there with questions. She's doing a great job! Tomorrow, I'm going to finish up the Target registry in case people actually want to start buying stuff. We have registered for quite a lot of things.

Today, I looked further into cloth diapering. Right now I'm leaning toward a hybrid system, gDiapers. I'm going to call a good friend of Kim's so that I can get some advice and opinions. I also researched and selected a breast pump.

I'm also quite excited that yesterday I bought some great bedding to update our bed to make it more comfortable and truly a king size bed. So, it's about time to take a shower and get in that bed and enjoy some time with Kim before dozing off to sleep.


25 Week photo

I need to catch up on this blog. Here is a pic of me at 25 weeks:

 Pregnancy Ticker


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