Well, yes today is the greatest day on earth! I came into the world at approximately 9:27am on this day 34 years ago. I've been thinking a lot in the past week about how this is the last birthday to myself. I will now be sharing my birthdays with not only my wife, but also with my child. I'll be putting her needs first instead of worrying about what I'll be doing to party. I am so thankful to God for another year of life and for the creation of new life. The baby said Happy Birthday to me nice and early this morning when I felt her movement. I am so very thankful and not at all sad about ending this era in my life and starting another. I also know that partying will not be a foreign word, vacations will still happen without children and I will still be me. I will actually be an even better me.
Today, to celebrate I am at home having hardwood floors installed in the baby's room. Last week, we started really working on the room. A friend and fellow realtor lent me the materials needed to patch the walls and ceiling in the room so it could be ready for paint. We ended up doing it ourselves and did a pretty good job. I enjoy doing handyman type of stuff so I did most of it. Then our cousin came in and painted the ceiling and walls all by herself. She wanted to do the room alone so as not to clash with anyone else and she did an absolutely excellent job!!! Today, the hardwoods go in and the ceiling fan goes up. Tomorrow, the crib arrives and is assembled in the room. Sometime this week, our cousin will come back and paint the woodwork. We'll still need to set up the closet with an organizer and put some shelves up. My sister is doing a mural on the walls too.
So, my goal was to have the room done by November. It will be 85% done by November 1st and I'm so happy. I've had a few people tell me they didn't think I'd go to my guess date and I had a dream that I had the baby early. I will feel so much better to know the room is done in case she gets here early.
Kim brought up the carry on bag so we can begin to pack it for the hospital. So we'll be really ready for anything!
Well, here's pics of the last two weeks:
31 wks |
32 wks |