Been Such a Long Time...

>> Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Well, the last time I posted to this blog, I was really excited about my pregnancy. I haven't posted here in a while because things went downhill since the last post.

On November 18th I saw my doctor and we heard and saw the heartbeat. The baby didn't move much but the Dr said he/she may have been sleep. That night, I got sick. I woke up out of my sleep choking and trying to catch my breath. I calmed down and eventuall went back to sleep.

On November 20th, I went for my 20 wk scan. We were so excited and the nurse came and started to take a look and there was silence. She kept looking and then said the worst words possible, "I don't see a heartbeat". I immediately started to cry, loudly and hard. I couldn't believe it. We just saw the heartbeat two days ago. The nurse called a Dr in who confirmed it. She said the baby was measuring small so it may have just stopped growing.

On November 25th, I had a D & E while unconscious. I was in pain that night and the next day, which happened to be Thanksgiving. The range of emotions I felt were vast. The support I received from family and friends felt monumental. The stories that women shared about their experiences with 2nd & 3rd trimester miscarriages soothed me some.

Well, I trusted in God and new that He is ALWAYS in control and we got through it. When I went for my follow-up I learned that we had a baby girl. I also learned that there were no chromosomal issues as my doctor thought. This left me feeling a bit empty not knowing exactly what happened. So, my doctor ordered blood tests on me to see if there was anything else that could be found.

Last Thursday, I found out that I have Prothrombin Factor 2 and I may have APS. This would explain it! This condition makes me more apt to clot. The doctor said it is likely that there were clots in my placenta that cut off nutrition to the baby causing it to stop growing. It may be odd to think this but Ifelt SOOOOOOOOO relieved. Now, I can pinpoint the problem instead of wondering what it could be. I have to see a hematologist to confirm bu my doctor said the next time I'm pregnant I will have to inject Lovenox daily to prevent any clotting. I've also read that I will likely take baby aspirin daily.

I'm in a really good place now and looking forward to seeing the hematologist and starting my way to my next pregnancy.

Thank you to everyone for your love and support through this difficult time!

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