Calling Dr. Bailey
>> Friday, September 11, 2009
So, after a bit of thought and discussion, we've decided not to go to Montgomery Hospital or Paoli Hospital. I spoke with a good friend about her last birth experience and she raved about her doc, Dr. Scott Bailey. She told me how he spent an hour and a half with her at her first appointment where the OB I went to yesterday barely spend 15 minutes with me. She told me how the office calls you between appointments to check on you and how they have free stuff they give out. She also told me there was only one other person in the practice, but she only met him the whole time and he delivered her son in Lankenau. As for the hopsital, they bathed and fingerprinted the baby in the room without taking the baby away. All rooms are single occupancy so that was another plus. And it's 5 minutes from my house.
So today I called the good doctor and scheduled an appointment. The experience was already different. They already got my basic personal info including my insurance card info. They also advised me to bring my medical records from my RE so the dr can review them. Lastly, they asked me to pick up a prescription to get blood taken right in the hospital. So, I went today and picked it up & got my blood work done so that by the time I go next Thursday, he'll have the results. The office was clean and more modern than yesterday's visit and I felt much better about being there.
So, if this doc is any where close to what my friend described, we're in business!
I just came from showing a client a house and trying to schedule for tomorrow. I was supposed to be baking for my grandmother's birthday party, but with little time to spare, I've decided to buy a good cake for Sunday.
Now, I'm about to watch a movie with my baby and relax!
You are funny! I remember these days well. Girl, if you think picking an OB is tough, wait until you pick a pediatrician. As soon as you get the OB down, start looking for the pediatrician. We waited, delivered a month early and ended up with the doctor on call for the hospital. Praise God we got lucky. We absolutely love our pediatrician!!! We love the entire 3 doc practice. My hubby and I wish that he saw adults. He's all the way at Riddle Hospital though, which is where we delivered both times. I am so thankful that we were happy with our experience b/c the medical aspect can be the most stressful issue of the entire pregnancy. When you guys do meet with your OB make sure that you find out what their emergency practices are. You definitely want to know what the response rate is when you call with a concern not matter how big or little. Find out what, if any practices they partner with. Let's face it, the doc can't be available at all times. As much as my hubby and I loved our OB, he was on vacation BOTH times we delivered. He was mad at us the 2nd time b/c he specifically went on vacation early just so that he wouldn't miss the birth. We apologized graciously, lol. That's all I can think of for now. I see that you're taking this way serious and while others may find that funny or a bit over the top, I don't. It's serious business and you can't get this time back. Take care!
Thanks for understanding and thanks for sharing your experiences!
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