Feeling Good Today!

>> Wednesday, May 19, 2010

So, yesterday was a crappy day in terms of how I felt. I woke up with a headache. I think it was from the way I wrapped my hair the night before. I was also quite nauseous even though I couldn't wait to wake up and have some Cinnamon Toast Crunch. So, I got up, got dressed took my pre-natals, did my daily injection and went downstairs to eat come cereal. I could only eat about 3 spoonfuls before the nausea came with a vengeance. So, Kim finished my bowl and we headed to the doctor's office with a trash bag in case I couldn't make it out the window during the 5 minute drive.

Once we got to Dr. Bailey's office I started to feel a bit better. We saw the baby on the sonogram and heard the heartbeat which was wonderful! Every time I see the baby it makes me feel reassured that he/she is going to be just fine. Thank God for my faith too.

Other things I found out at the Dr is that I've lost weight, about 6lbs since I was weighed at the hematologist's office last month. I can have some caffeine and splenda is ok, though I'll probably still stay away from both. Maybe an occasional tea, I'm not into coffee anyway. Shellfish is cool (I knew that) and I can have a turkey hoagie!!!! I've really been wanting one too. Kim told the Dr that I've been moody and he told her he already had to deal w/that at home so she needed to figure it out. LOL.

I also made sure I was cool to take the 8hr car ride to Vermont in a couple of weeks and he said it was indeed okay. He also recommended a great route so we are looking forward to going.

Two things Dr. Bailey did that I was really impressed about. When we were first taken to the exam room, he peeked in and said hello and said he was glad to see us back. The other thing was that he asked how often we wanted to come in because he understood that we may want to see him more often after the 2nd trimester loss last year. So, we're going back next week and the week after for a scan and then will go to every two weeks. I also talked to him about getting a dopplar and he recommended waiting until 14 wks to do so but understood. He also recommended I get a blood pressure cuff because my blood pressure was a bit high. He said I need to keep the bottom number under 90.

So, I'm watching my salt intake (as I have been anyway) and I have to make time to walk around the neighborhood for some exercise.

This weekend, I'm going to a bachelorette party and I'm looking forward to having a great time!



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