Stay at Home Mom or Work at Home Mom?
>> Saturday, December 17, 2011
Recently I've been thinking a lot about which of the two describe me. I am a Realtor so I don't have to go to an office building and be confined to a desk, cubicle or office and report to someone the time I've worked that day. I am flexible and have used that to my advantage in taking care of my daughter. It took me a while, admittedly, to get the hang of making phone calls and scheduling appointments while taking care of Kacey. She's at a point now that she can entertain herself with a toy for quite a while if necessary. She also still takes two naps so that helps tremendously.
Kacey is not in day care. She is home with me every day. We play, eat, sleep, play a lot more and sometimes venture out to a park. When I have to go to the office, she is often with me. I have great family and friends who watch her for me when I need to take a client out or have a closing. Right now we just can't afford to put her in daycare. We are on two waitlists and I'm hoping by the time they call we will be ready because I really could use the extra time to tend to my business.
That being said, sometimes I feel like an entrepreneur blessed to be able to work at home while my child plays and is well taken care of. Other times I feel like the stay at home Mom who does some work to bring in income. I've also begun to feel that I am no longer myself. My life is consumed with bottle weaning, changing diapers, cleaning up, laundry, cooking and reading to my baby. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love caring for Kacey but we don't have the financial resources for me to do that alone. Plus, I like what I do.... a lot. I want to get back to being the businesswoman that's making a difference in the lives of people. I want to dress up again professionally and talk to other professionals and network.
I'm feeling all of this AND am ready for another child. Seems a bit contradictory to me but I own these feelings.
Sidebar- I really need help in creating a better banner and look to this blog if I'm going to be active in it.
Tootles for now
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